Before you can invest, you need to have a small sum of money to start. Even five dollars can be enough to get started. Once you have a small amount of money, you can begin investing and growing it over time. By starting early, you can grow your money faster. You can also invest regularly.

Investing with small amounts of money regularly

Investing in small amounts regularly allows you to avoid the high risks that come with investing a large sum of money all at once. While it may seem tempting to put all of your money into one big stock purchase, investing in small amounts regularly over the long term is the best way to grow your money. It will reduce your risk and reduce your reliance on market fluctuations. Investing in index funds and exchange-traded funds can help you maximize your returns while minimizing your risk.

Avoiding shady investments

If you have limited funds, you should take a few precautions to protect yourself from shady investments. Avoid investing in investments that don’t have a clear investment plan. For example, Ponzi schemes use complex and secretive strategies. To prevent yourself from falling victim to one, read up on the …

The 120 rule of investing is a popular benchmark for investing. It was first popular in the late 1980s and 1990s. The idea was that you should invest seventy-five percent of your savings in stocks, resulting in a ninety percent return over the long run. Today, however, the 120 rule is outdated, and the world is moving towards more diverse and balanced investments.

The 120 minus your age rule of investing

The 120 minus your age rule of investing is a common rule of thumb that can help investors decide how much of their portfolio should be allocated to stocks and bonds. In essence, the rule states that you should invest a certain percent of your age in stocks and other equities and invest the rest in safe money products, like bonds. This rule is very useful in determining asset allocation, but you should keep in mind that your individual circumstances and risk tolerance may determine whether the 120 minus your age rule is a good fit for you.

One important caveat with the Rule of 120 is that you should never invest all of your money in stocks. The Rule of 120 is particularly useful for investing for retirement, …

The best investors have a strong conviction in the stocks they buy and sell. This conviction means they never average a position in hopes of a rebound. In other words, they stay away from “hope and change” tactics, which can end up costing them their investment capital and time. In addition, they know that 70% of their calls are correct. The other 30% are duds, which eat up resources and create opportunity losses.

Focus on long-term goals

If you want to become a successful investor in the stock market, you need to focus on long-term goals. The market may experience ups and downs, but a strong portfolio diversification will minimize your losses. It is also important to avoid short-term noise. For example, investors in the S&P 500 were able to ride out the massive sell-off in early 2020. In the days that followed, the COVID pandemic, investors were able to ride out the short-term bumps, and markets soared higher.

If you have short-term goals, invest only what you can afford to lose. This will give you a longer time horizon to accumulate your money. Then, you can move your assets into more stable investments.

Invest according to a plan

Investing …

A wealth planning advisor can help you decide whether to invest in individual properties or in Real Estate Investment Trusts. The advantages of individual investments are that you retain control over the investment. The downside of an REIT is that it is fully managed and you have little control over which properties are added to it. While you can invest in a REIT to benefit from a higher level of management, individual real estate investments give you greater control.

Portfolio diversification

Diversification is a key factor in ensuring the longevity of a portfolio. By diversifying your assets, you can minimize losses during bear markets while preserving capital for bull markets. Diversification also reduces volatility. When you have more than one type of investment in your portfolio, you can easily control your risk by adjusting the allocation to each type.

Diversification is important for new investors. When you concentrate a large portion of your portfolio into a single asset, you may not realize that your total returns are limited to that one asset. A diversified portfolio also reduces the risk of experiencing a large loss at once.

Low transaction costs

Real estate investment trusts are perfect for investors who are looking …

If you are looking for an investment opportunity that yields solid returns, you may want to consider Stanlib Fahari I-REIT. This investment offers investors the flexibility of buying into the stock at any time. You can earn a healthy yield and diversify your portfolio.

Dividend yield

The Stanlib Fahari I-REIT’s dividend yield currently stands at 6.52%, which is below the yield of other high-income investments like government bonds. However, the dividend yield is relative to the underlying assets and stock market, so it can be used to determine if a given investment is undervalued or overvalued.

This trust owns income-generating real estate and operates through four segments – Retail, Office, and Industrial. The Industrial segment offers buildings such as warehouses. The Financial Assets segment contains cash and financial assets valued at fair market value.


As the Kenyan subsidiary of STANLIB, the Stanlib Fahari I-REIT is a vehicle for investing in real estate in the country. The company manages assets on behalf of a variety of clients and has a strong track record of innovation in the real estate sector. In fact, the firm was instrumental in establishing Income Real Estate Investment Trusts and Development Real Estate Investment Trusts in …
